Wed May 8th 2024

Change Communications Organizes an Exercise for Success Stories

1, Sun 24th, Oct 2021, 09:12

Today the 8th October 2021, change Communications has once again launched an exercise that is geared at giving the members of the Ubuntu family the opportunity to remind themselves of what they learnt at the workshop.

This chapter is titled "success story" because Change Communications wants to evaluate from every member, what they gleaned and how it's helping them live in their communities. The conditions to take this exercise is that members should write from their hearts and briefly explain how change Communications has changed their lives.

Moreover, this goes a long way to nurture the growth of the organization

A handful of members showed up to take this challenge, most of their messages centered on the dangers of hate speeches and the ills portrayed when distributing unverified or perhaps unwanted fake information as they learnt during the workshop.

Most members say they are quite free and happy while interacting with people in the group since there are just very few strict rules to follow. Most often than not, they use the opportunity to showcase some hidden potentials in them in an attempt to participate in the exercises that pop up in the group.

They also expressed happiness for the rewards gotten after every exercise done in the WhatsApp forum.